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We strive at solving the toughest technological and Engineering problems in Airport Security,
TACs, and SSO Engineering. We do it with innovation, excellence, & dedication.

Our Insights

We Are Sentsic

For more than 12 years we have been providing sophisticated engineering systems, from idea to conception, design, development, manufacturing, and deployment.

A SMALL company, we bring innovation, expertise, technology diversification, to our private and government clients. We are a team of professionals with high technological expertise in most technological areas. We bring in a mix of innovative technologies and expertise to our cstomers, in Airport Security, credentials Management, Single Sign-On, Network security, and more.

Our approach is visionary. We design and develop sophisticated, yet simple to use solutions. Our mix of technological skills is outstanding and shared across disciplines. Our goal is helping our customers perfom better.Learn More »

Our Mission

We help our customer Re-Engineer the business to attain new level of efficiency and productivity.

News & Events

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December 29, 2009

Sentsic team members own several patents, the fruit of years of research and development, as well as innovative product development

Sentsic team mebers latest patent 844' is a state of the art access security system automating, authenticating, analyzing, and making ingress decision in 5 seconds.

But Sentsic team is not stopping there. New technological advances create new opportunities for new and innovative ideas for new products.

January 27, 2014

Sentsic Team files a Federal Lawsuit against 3 large companies who have infringed its 844' Patent

Sentsic team has recently filed a Federal lawsuit at the Maryland District Court in Greenbelt, Maryland. The company is suing BAE Systems, NCR Government, and Morphotrust for infirnging on its 844' Patent while executing government contracts amounting to $78M each. The companies produced and sold our SAAS system as part of their contracts.

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